Friday, April 3, 2009

Change of Heart

I don't know about this one.
The whole 'is the criminal the messiah' thing was a bit much for me. Too much left unexplained - grown man with a compatible heart for an 11 year old girl - birds (and men) coming back to life. I thought the step father might have been molesting her so that wasn't a twist for me. Part of me does like the idea that we can draw our own conclusions and the other part thinks that that's easier than to explain it plausibly. Jodi raises some interesting ideas about how we would react to a second coming but for me there was probably a bit too much imagination and not enough believability.

Tick Tock

It has been soooo long since I finished this book. I do remember forcing myself to read it to the end. I think I just needed to see how an evil doll that magically comes to life and grows through the night could be explained plausibly. I actually found the notes at the back about how Dean formulated the story much more interesting than the story itself... but then science fiction is probably not my thing.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Pact

Finally got around to reading my Christmas present! Started it yesterday and finished it this morning. Obviously a good read and a very interesting look at how friendships can grow into more and yet be extinguished overnight. I'm not just talking about Chris and Em's relationship, but also that of their parents. Great analysis of truth being molded by perception. I thought more might have come from Em's moment with 'The Creep' perhaps in her diary or something. At one stage I was also suspecting third party involvement in the shooting and full blown affairs between the parents. Just in case you read it, I won't say whether I was right or wrong, but I was happy with what was left in and what was left out ;)

buy it here or click the cover

The Good Guy

It's been a little while since I finished this book and I'm already having to think hard to remember what it was about. Thank goodness I started this blog!
Probably not such a good idea reading it hot on the heals of The Husband since the main characters were a bit similar (gardener vs stone mason) both with capabilities we wouldn't have thought they'd possess. The best part was that I wasn't expecting the brother to be involved in the way that he turned out to be and I quite enjoyed the multi-layered reasons behind the whole contract in the first place.

Buy it here, or click the cover.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Husband

This is the first Dean Koontz book I have read in years! I enjoyed it quite a lot. (So much so, that I now have borrowed 2 more from the library just today!)
I was very surprised by the first twist but the others were a little more predictable. I have one unanswered question regarding the protruding 3 inch nail Holly was working on, and the nail Mitch found in the ceiling and felt a connection. I don't want to spoil it by being anymore specific but if anyone out there is reading this (!) and has read The Husband, I'd love to hear your take on that.

If you haven't read it yet and want to buy yourself a copy from, click here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Picture Perfect

I was lucky enough to nab this off the library shelf the other day - that's two Jodi Picoult books in as many weeks - how lucky am I? I've stolen one of my good friend's ideas and started looking in the 'large print' section as well. I feel a little guilty about that but I promise I will read it very quickly!

Well, I've finished it now, but it took a little longer than I had hoped (oops). As always, I enjoyed Jodi's writing. It was interesting to see a marriage from a battered woman's perspective and to have a little bit of an insight into hollywood. I also enjoyed the stories from the north american indian culture.

Click the cover picture or click here to get your copy from

The Shift of the Ages

This is another book that I let find me while I was wandering the shelves of the library. I am always interested in the idea of unexplainable yet foretold events taking place toward the end of time. Unfortunately, the book didn't hold my interest. Although I was a couple of chapters in when I found 'The Tenth Circle' so this book took a back seat for a couple of days. I thought it was written like some of my son's adventure novels for 10 years olds. (He actually read a few chapters and said he like it! So there you go.) I think it's one I'd like to get back to, just to see what happens, but I've had to return it to the library for now.

In case you can't wait, you can click the cover picture or click here to buy the book from